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Abdur-Rahman bin Mahdee (d. 198H) said:
Whoever says, "The Qur'an is created, then do not pray behind him, do not walk alongside him on the path and do not give to him (from your daughters) in marriage."
In Tahdheeb al-Hilyah (3/113) through Hayat al-Salaf of Ahmad al-Tayyar.
Note: Abdur-Rahmaan bin Mahdee is one of the great Imaams of the Salaf and from his taqwa (piety) is clarifying the truth in a time of great confusion, venerating Allaah, the Exalted and His Speech, the Qur'an and protecting the ears, minds and hearts of the average Muslims from being infected with destructive doctrines.
Translated by Abu Iyaad (@abuiyaadsp)
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