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Shaqeeq Al-Balkhee: Four Affairs Are From the Path of Uprightness (Al-Istiqaamah)
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in Salaf
Topics: Steadfastness

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Shaqeeq al-Balkhee (d. 194H) said:

Four things are from the path of al-istiqaamah (steadfastness, uprightness): A command of Allaah is not left off (by a person) on account of a hardship that has descended upon him. And nor does he abandon (that command) on account of something that comes into his possession of (something from) the world. Hence, he does not act upon the desire of anyone (besides himself) and nor does he act upon the desire of his (own soul), because desire (al-hawaa) is blameworthy. But let him act upon the Book and the Sunnah.

Tahdheeeb of al-Hilyah (2/502) through Hayat al-Salaf of Ahmad al-Tayyar.

Note: From the taqwa of Allaah is to be upon al-istiqaamah (steadfastness) and this is comprised of ensuring that your actions are initiated and founded upon the Book and the Sunnah, not upon the desire of the soul, or of the people, or on account of worldly affairs that come to you (good or bad, pleasing or displeasing). So that makes four affairs: (1) Do not leave a command on account of a hardship (2) Do not leave a command on account of worldly benefits coming to you (3) Do not act upon the impulses, desires of your own soul (4) Do not act upon the desires of others. But rather, act in accordance with the Book and the Sunnah.

Translated by Abu Iyaad (@abuiyaadsp)

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