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How Much of His Wealth Did the Muhaddith, Imaam, Alee Bin Eesaa Al-Wazeer Spend in Righteousness?
Posted by Abu.Iyaad, Editor in Salaf
Topics: Charity Modesty

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The Muhaddith, Alee bin Eesaa al-Wazeer (d. 334H) said:

I earned seven-hundred thousand (700,000) dinars (gold coins), and out of them I spent six-hundred and eighty thousand (680,000) in various (types) of righteousness (birr).

Note: Alee bin Eesaa was also very humble and modest, he said, "I never wore a thawb costing more than seven dinars." Spending wealth for the pleasure of Allaah is from taqwa. The amount spent by al-Wazeer according to today's value of gold equals £77 million GBP.

In al-Siyar of al-Dhahabee (15/300-301).
Translated by Abu Iyaad (@abuiyaadsp)

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