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ABOUT THIS SITE Welcome to PiousMuslim.Com! Learn to achieve and practise taqwaa (piety), upon the Book, the Sunnah, the Seerah of the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam), and through the example of the Companions, their Successors, the Righteous Salaf and the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah!

Abu Al-Dardaa on Thinking and Reflection
Abu al-Dardaa (radiyallaahu anhu) used to say: Whoever did not see the favour of Allah upon him except in food and drink, then his understanding is little and his punishment has drawn near. Al-Zuhd of Abee Dawood (221). The action Abu al-Dardaa did most was thinking, considering (i'tibaar) ... Read more »

Amazing Gems Regarding Sincerity: Part (1) - Secret Righteous Actions
Zubayr bin al-Awwaan (radiyallaahu anhu) said: Whoever is able to have for himself a righteous action (he kept) secret, then let him do so. Al-Zuhd of Abee Dawood (2/362). Abu al-Aaliyah (rahimahullah) said: The Companions of Muhammad said to me: Do not act for other than Allaah so that ... Read more »

Ibn Al-Qayyim: The Foundation of All Disobedience (Sins) Is Incapacity
Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said: وأصل المعاصي كلها العجز ، فإن العبد يعجز عن أسباب ... Read more »

Statements From the Salaf Regarding the Day of Arafah: Part 2
Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab (rahimahullaah) mentioned: Hakeem bin Hizaam (radhiyallaahu anhu) would stand at Arafah and with him would be one hundred camels, and one hundred slaves, so he would free his slaves. So the people would become boisterous with weeping and supplicating saying: "Our Lord; this ... Read more »

Statements From the Salaf Regarding the Day of Arafah: Part 1
Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab (rahimahullaah) mentioned: Shortly, your brothers will stand at Arafah at that station, so joyous congratulations for whoever is granted that. They will pray fervently to Allaah with hearts ablaze and tears that were anticipated. For how many (a one) amongst them are there ... Read more »

Guidance From the Salaf on Patience and Complaining About Calamities
Al-Dhahabi brings in al-Siyar, the following narrations demonstrating patience in the face of calamity and not complaining: Shaqiq al-Balkhee said, "Whoever complained of a calamity to other than Allaah, he will not find the sweetness of obedience" (9/315). Hamdoon al-Qassaar said, "No one despairs ... Read more »

Charity (1) : Abdullah Bin Al-Mughaffal Awakening From His Dream That the Hour Had Been Established
From Imaam al-Dhahabi (rahimahullaah) who narrates in al-Siyar, the following through the route of Khuzaa'ee bin Ziyaad al-Muzanee: Abdullah bin al-Mughaffal (radiallahu anhu) was shown (in a dream) that the (final) Hour had been established, and that the people had been assembled, and that there ... Read more »

Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (4) : Abdul-Ghaniy Al-Maqdisi and Others
From Imaam al-Dhahabi (rahimahullaah) who narrates in al-Siyar, the following: Dhiyaa Al-Maqdisee said: I heard Aboo Moosaa say: My father al-Haafidh 'Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdisee became sick with a severe sickness which inhibited him from speech and from standing up. It continued severely for sixteen ... Read more »

Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (3) : Salah Al-Din Al-Ayoubi, Abu Al-Waqt Al-Sijzee, Abu Al-Hasan Al-Dimashqee, Abu Al-Barakaat Naisabooree
From Imaam al-Dhahabi (rahimahullaah) who narrates in al-Siyar, the following: The Shaikh, the Imaam Al-'Allaamah, the Mufti of Ash-Shaam Jamaalul Islaam Abul Hasan 'Alee bin Al-Muslim Ad-Dimashqee Ash-Shaafi'ee died in prostration whilst he was in the Fajr prayer. When Shaikh Abul Barakaat ... Read more »

Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (2) : Imaam Malik, Abu Bakr Al-Ismaa'eelee, Al-Junaid, Ibn Abee Haazim
From Imaam al-Dhahabi (rahimahullaah) who narrates in al-Siyar, the following: Isma'eel bin Abee Uwais said: Imaam Maalik became sick, so I asked some of our people what it was that he said at the point of death. They said that he uttered the testimony of faith and then he said (لِلَّهِ ... Read more »

Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (1) : Abu Tha'labah, Umar Bin Abd Al-Azeez and Alee Bin Saalih
From Imaam al-Dhahabi (rahimahullaah) who narrates in al-Siyar, the following: Aboo Tha'labah Al-Khushanee (radiyallaahu 'anhu) died whilst he was prostrating in his prayer during the night. When death came to 'Umar bin 'Abdil-'Azeez, he said (to those present): "Leave me alone." So Muslimah ... Read more »

Taqwa and Your Stomach (6) Umar Bin Al-Khattaab and His Son on Eating With Moderation
It is related that Umar bin al-Khattaab (radiallaahu anhu) said: O people, beware of gluttony (excess) with respect to food, for it makes one lazy towards prayer, harms (corrupts) the body and makes (a person) inherit disease. However, it is upon you to have moderation in your nourishment, for ... Read more »

Taqwa and Your Stomach (5) Al-Husayn Bin Abd Al-Rahman: Excess Food Kills the Heart
It is related that al-Husayn bin Abd al-Rahmaan (rahimahullaah) said: An abundance (excess) of food kills the heart just like excess water kills the plant. : It used to be said, "Wisdom does not reside with a full stomach." Mawsoo'ah Ibn Abi al-Dunyaa (4/96) through Hayat al-Salaf of Ahmad ... Read more »

Taqwa and Your Stomach (4) Abd Al-Rahman Bin Zayd: The Uprightness (Istiqaamah) of the Stomach and the Deen
It is related that Abd al-Rahmaan bin Zayd (rahimahullaah) said: The first (matter of righteousness) in which a believing servant acts is his stomach. If the affair of his stomach remains upright (with istiqaamah), then his deen will remain upright (with istiqaamah). And if (the affair of) his ... Read more »

Taqwa and Your Stomach (3) Al-Hasan Al-Basree: (a) the Shame of a Big Belly (b) Eat, Drink, Breathe and Think (c) the Ordeal of Food
It is related that al-Hasan al-Basree (rahimahullaah) said: A Muslim would be put to shame if it was said to him, "You have a big belly." : O son of Aadam, eat for a third of your stomach, drink a third of it and leave a third of your stomach to breathe and think. : The ordeal (calamity) of your ... Read more »

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Abu Al-Dardaa on Thinking and Reflection
Amazing Gems Regarding Sincerity: Part (1) - Secret Righteous Actions
Ibn Al-Qayyim: The Foundation of All Disobedience (Sins) Is Incapacity
Statements From the Salaf Regarding the Day of Arafah: Part 2
Statements From the Salaf Regarding the Day of Arafah: Part 1
Guidance From the Salaf on Patience and Complaining About Calamities
Charity (1) : Abdullah Bin Al-Mughaffal Awakening From His Dream That the Hour Had Been Established
Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (4) : Abdul-Ghaniy Al-Maqdisi and Others
Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (3) : Salah Al-Din Al-Ayoubi, Abu Al-Waqt Al-Sijzee, Abu Al-Hasan Al-Dimashqee, Abu Al-Barakaat Naisabooree
Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (2) : Imaam Malik, Abu Bakr Al-Ismaa'eelee, Al-Junaid, Ibn Abee Haazim

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Good Endings at Death (Husn Al-Khaatimah) (2) : Imaam Malik, Abu Bakr Al-Ismaa'eelee, Al-Junaid, Ibn Abee Haazim

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